By the last night in Delhi, we could not believe the program was over. It seemed like a very long time ago that we were checking in to the Taj hotel in New Delhi as new visitors. We had seen eleven cities in five weeks, visited temples, schools, museums, and markets. We met hundreds of amazing people. I feel so excited to come back to Hannah Senesh Community Day School in Brooklyn, NY with my arms full of things I collected here. I bought books for my classroom library by contemporary Indian authors, examples of Indian clothing for my students to wear, Indian games, artwork. I have set up a correspondence with a 5th grade class in Delhi which will enhance the curricular project I will develop. With all this, I'm excited to be able to share my pictures and stories with my students to help them get to know India -- an ancient civilization and a modern nation.
Thank you Adam Grotsky, Girish Kaul and all the people at USIEF for this incredible experience.